Nature Explorers
Online Classes
Take a Deep Dive into the unseen world of animals, birds and plants. Learn how everything has a consciousness, including trees. Nature Explorers introduces teens and the young at heart to Nature in its purest sense where everything has the ability to communicate and also share its unique gifts with the world

Blending Science with Spirituality

Nature Adventures
There has never been a better time than now to introduce your children to the wonders and mysteries of Nature. The Earth is in a constant state of transformation. It is amazing to see how Nature responds and adapts as well. Each Nature Adventurers Class focuses on a different branch of Nature, allowing the Adventurer to uncover new fascinating clues. We also learn mysteries about animals. These clues help us complete our Nature Adventures mission and assist Nature in the most magnificent, imaginative ways.
Cost: $39.99
Nature Adventures for Kids ages 3-5 years old.

Kids ages 3-5 follow Carol, the Nature Detective, on an adventure to find the birds, animals and the bugs. It's Nature Fun for Everyone! Videos are prerecorded. Sign up today and receive a free Nature Adventures Video for 6-12! Sale Price $15.00.


Nature Speak
Author Carol Weakland, the Nature Guru, introduces NATURE SPEAK, the class that helps you gain messages and insights from Nature. Carol shares her special techniques of communicating with Animals, Birds and even Bugs! Students will learn the Nature Speak checklist, which includes recognizing, interpreting, implementing and synthesizing this communication into your life. In each class Carol discusses and offers examples of how to recognize and interpret Nature Speak in the different Nature Kingdoms.
Along with helpful discussions, Carol offers additional footage of animals, birds and all the Nature Kingdoms so students can practice Nature Speak in the comfort of their own homes before stepping out the door to experience it firsthand. This is an exciting, not to be missed class! Adults and teens $22.00